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The kea-forms package provides tools for working with form-like data.


# if you're using yarn
yarn add kea-forms

# if you're using npm
npm install --save kea-forms

forms() logic builder

Use the forms logic builder to either create a new reducer, or augment an existing reducer with actions and selectors to manipulate form-like data.

In this example featureFlagLogic, we take an existing reducer called featureFlag (exposed through a loader), and convert it into a form.

import { kea } from 'kea'
import { loaders } from 'kea-loaders'
import { forms } from 'kea-forms'
import { router } from 'kea-router'

export const featureFlagLogic = kea<featureFlagLogicType>([
path(['scenes', 'feature-flags', 'featureFlagLogic']),
props({} as FeatureFlagLogicProps),
key(({ id }) => id ?? 'new'),

afterMount(({ actions }) => actions.init()),
loaders(({ props }) => ({
featureFlag: { init: () => api.get(`api/feature_flags/${}`) },

forms(({ actions }) => ({
featureFlag: {
// not needed again if a loader or reducer already defines it
defaults: { id: undefined, key: '' } as FeatureFlagModel,

// sync validation, will be shown as errors in the form
errors: ({ key }) => ({
key: !key ? 'Must have a key' : undefined,

// called on the form's onSubmit, unless `errors` contains values
submit: async ({ id, ...flag }, breakpoint) => {
const updatedFlag = id
? await api.update(`api/feature_flags/${id}`, flag)
: await api.create(`api/feature_flags`, flag)
// avoid double-clicks

// this action `resetFeatureFlag` is added by the `forms()` builder

// housekeeping
console.log('Feature flag saved')

This adds a bunch of actions, reducers and selectors onto featureFlagLogic. This is the list as of kea-forms v3.0.0-alpha.0:

export interface featureFlagLogicType extends Logic {
actions: {
// kea-loaders
loadFeatureFlag: () => void
loadFeatureFlagSuccess: (featureFlag: any, payload?: any) => void
loadFeatureFlagFailure: (error: string, errorObject?: any) => void

// kea-forms
setFeatureFlagValue: (key: FieldName, value: any) => void
setFeatureFlagValues: (values: DeepPartial<FeatureFlagType>) => void
touchFeatureFlagField: (key: string) => void
resetFeatureFlag: (values?: FeatureFlagType) => void
submitFeatureFlag: () => void
submitFeatureFlagRequest: (featureFlag: FeatureFlagType) => void
submitFeatureFlagSuccess: (featureFlag: FeatureFlagType) => void
submitFeatureFlagFailure: (error: Error) => void
values: {
// kea-loaders
featureFlag: FeatureFlagType
featureFlagLoading: boolean

// kea-forms
isFeatureFlagSubmitting: boolean
showFeatureFlagErrors: boolean
featureFlagChanged: boolean
featureFlagTouches: Record<string, boolean>

React components

With the logic in order, you may use the <Form />, <Field /> and <Group /> helpers to build your form.

import { Switch, Textarea, Input, Button } from '../ui' // stub
import { Form, Field, Group } from 'kea-forms'
import { featureFlagLogic, FeatureFlagLogicProps } from './featureFlagLogic'

export function FeatureFlag({ id }: { id?: number }): JSX.Element {
const logicProps: FeatureFlagLogicProps = { id: id ?? 'new' }
const {
featureFlag, // the values in the object are the values in the form
isFeatureFlagSubmitting, // if the `submit` action is doing something
} = useValues(featureFlagLogic(logicProps))
const {
submitFeatureFlag, // if we need to submit it outside the normal form submit
setFeatureFlagValue, // if we need to update any field outside the <Field /> tags
} = useActions(featureFlagLogic(logicProps))

return (
<Form logic={featureFlagLogic} props={logicProps} formKey="featureFlag" enableFormOnSubmit>
<Field name="active">
{/* value, onChange, onValueChange, name, label, id */}
{({ value, onValueChange }) => (
value ? (
<span className="text-success">Enabled</span>
) : (
<span className="text-danger">Disabled</span>

<Field name="name" label="Description">
{({ value, onChange }) => (
placeholder="Adding a helpful description can ensure others know what this feature is for."

{featureFlag?.filters?.multivariate?.variants?.map((_, index) => (
// using <Group /> to scope the next fields
<Group key={index} name={['filters', 'multivariate', 'variants', index]}>
<Field name="name">
{/* This will update featureFlag.filters.multivariate.variants[index].name */}
{/* If you don't specify ({ value, onChange }) => (), we add these two props automatically */}
<Input placeholder="Description" />

icon={<SaveOutlined />}
Save changes


The useValues hooks re-render their components if their values change, and then only downwards. Forms are no exception.

If you fetch your form's values (e.g. featureFlag) at a root component (e.g. the one that contains all the fields), all the fields will re-render every time any value changes.

You should avoid this, and rely on <Field>, which re-render only when individual values change.

Questions & Answers

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