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Plugins API

Sometimes, logic builders aren't enough, and you need to hook into the global lifecycle of every logic, inject middleware into Redux, or create new default keys like logic.wormholes = {}.

That's where plugins come in.

Initializing plugins

To activate a plugin with Kea, you pass an object of type KeaPlugin, or (config?) => Keaplugin into the plugins array on resetContext. For example:

import { KeaPlugin, resetContext } from 'kea'
import { routerPlugin } from 'kea-router'

const woohooPlugin: KeaPlugin = {
name: 'woohoo',

plugins: [routerPlugin, woohooPlugin],

Plugin structure

Here are all the options you can use within a plugin:

import { KeaPlugin } from 'kea'

type WoohooPluginConfig = Record<string, any>

const woohooPlugin = (config?: WoohooPluginConfig): KeaPlugin => ({
// Required: name of the plugin
name: '',

// Default values for output in logic. `logic.woohoo` will default to `{}` now
defaults: () => ({
woohoo: {},

events: {
/** Run after creating a new context, before plugins are activated and the store is created */
afterOpenContext: (context: Context, options: ContextOptions) => {},
/** Run after this plugin has been activated */
afterPlugin: () => {},
/** Run before the redux store creation begins. Use it to add options (middleware, etc) to the store creator. */
beforeReduxStore: (options: CreateStoreOptions) => {},
/** Run after the redux store is created. */
afterReduxStore: (options: CreateStoreOptions, store: Store) => {},
/** Run before we start doing anything */
beforeKea: (input: LogicInput | LogicBuilder) => {},
/** before the steps to build the logic (gets an array of inputs from kea(input).extend(input)) */
beforeBuild: (logic: BuiltLogic, inputs: (LogicInput | LogicBuilder)[]) => {},
/** before the steps to convert input into logic (also run once per .extend()) */
beforeLogic: (logic: BuiltLogic, input: LogicInput | LogicBuilder) => {},
/** after the steps to convert input into logic (also run once per .extend()) */
afterLogic: (logic: BuiltLogic, input: LogicInput | LogicBuilder) => {},
/** called when building a logic with legeacy LogicInput objects, called after connect: {} runs in code */
legacyBuild: (logic: BuiltLogic, input: LogicInput) => {},
/** called when building a logic with legeacy LogicInput objects, called after defaults are built in core */
legacyBuildAfterConnect: (logic: BuiltLogic, input: LogicInput) => {},
/** called when building a logic with legeacy LogicInput objects, called after the legacy core plugin runs */
legacyBuildAfterDefaults: (logic: BuiltLogic, input: LogicInput) => {},
/** after the steps to build the logic */
afterBuild: (logic: BuiltLogic, inputs: (LogicInput | LogicBuilder)[]) => {},
/** Run before a logic store is mounted in React */
beforeMount: (logic: BuiltLogic) => {},
/** Run after a logic store is mounted in React */
afterMount: (logic: BuiltLogic) => {},
/** Run before a reducer is attached to Redux */
beforeAttach: (logic: BuiltLogic) => {},
/** Run after a reducer is attached to Redux */
afterAttach: (logic: BuiltLogic) => {},
/** Run before a logic is unmounted */
beforeUnmount: (logic: BuiltLogic) => {},
/** Run after a logic is unmounted */
afterUnmount: (logic: BuiltLogic) => {},
/** Run before a reducer is detached frm Redux */
beforeDetach: (logic: BuiltLogic) => {},
/** Run after a reducer is detached frm Redux */
afterDetach: (logic: BuiltLogic) => {},
/** Run before wrapping a React component */
beforeWrap: (wrapper: LogicWrapper, Klass: AnyComponent) => {},
/** Run after wrapping a React component */
afterWrap: (wrapper: LogicWrapper, Klass: AnyComponent, Kea: KeaComponent) => {},
/** Run after mounting and before rendering the component in React's scope (you can use hooks here) */
beforeRender: (logic: BuiltLogic, props: Props) => {},
/** Run when we are removing kea from the system, e.g. when cleaning up after tests */
beforeCloseContext: (context: Context) => {},

Before 3.0

Plugins before Kea 3.0 were all of the above, plus logic builders as a complicated system of build steps.

With the introduction of true logic builders, the build step system has been replaced with a simple trio of legacy build events, run when we encounter an old {} object style LogicInput. Hopefully you won't have to care about it.

Questions & Answers

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