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Select from the state

Selectors are used to get specific values from the state object.

At it's core, a selector is just a function in the format:

const someValueSelector = (state: Record<string, any>) => state.some.value.from.the.state.object

Automatically created for reducers

Each reducer automatically gets a corresponding selector:

const rootLogic = kea([
// our path is "state.root.logic"
// add reducer "pieceOfData"
reducers({ pieceOfData: ['default value', {}] }),

// the following are added to the logic
rootLogic.reducers.pieceOfData = () => 'default value'
rootLogic.selectors.pieceOfData = (state) => state.root.logic.pieceOfData


Every selector has a corresponding value. Values are just a shorthand for selectors on the current state of the store.


logic.values.pieceOfData === logic.selectors.pieceOfData(store.getState())

That's it.

Use values anywhere in your listeners or elsewhere, where you need to access the current value of a reducer or selector.

Computed values

Use the selectors builder to create selectors which combine and cache other selectors:

const logic = kea([
setMonth: (month) => ({ month }),
setRecords: (records) => ({ records }),
month: ['2020-04', { setMonth: (_, { month }) => month }],
records: [[], { setRecords: (_, { records }) => records }],
recordsForSelectedMonth: [
(s) => [s.month, s.records],
(month, records) => records.filter((r) => r.month === month),

The s is a shorthand for selectors, which just equals logic.selectors.

Now you can use recordsForSelectedMonth directly in your component:

function RecordsForThisMonth() {
const { recordsForSelectedMonth } = useValues(logic)

return (
{ => (

Default Memoization

Selectors are recalculated only if the value of their inputs changes. In the example above, no matter how often your components ask for recordsForSelectedMonth, they will get a cached response as long as month and records haven't changed since last time.

Custom Memoization

To change the default memoization behaviour, pass memoizeOptions as the third element to the selector array. This is passed directly to reselect.

interface MemoizeOptions {
equalityCheck?: EqualityFn
resultEqualityCheck?: EqualityFn
maxSize?: number

const logic = kea({
selectors: {
widgetKeys: [
(selectors) => [selectors.widgets],
(widgets) => Object.keys(widgets),
// DefaultMemoizeOptions
{ resultEqualityCheck: deepEqual },

Single source of truth

It is good practice to have as many selectors as possible, each of which sort or filter the raw data stored in your reducers further than the last.

It is bad practice to have listeners do this filtering. For example, you should not write code, where on the action selectUser(id), you run a listener that takes the stored value of users, filters it to finds the selected user and then calls another action setUser to store this value in the user reducer.

Such an approach will violate the single source of truth principle. You will end up with two copies of this one user in your store. If you change something in user, should you also change the same data in users?

Instead, on selectUser(id), store selectedUserId in a reducer. Then create a new selector user that combines selectedUserId and users to dynamically find the selected user.

You'll have a lot less bugs this way. 😉

Selectors that return functions

It's also possible to return a function in a selector. Here's a selector that returns a function that finds an user by id:

const usersLogic = kea([
loaders({ users: { loadUsers: api.loadUsers } }),
findById: [
(selectors) => [selectors.uesrs],
(users) => (id: number) => users.find((user) => === id),

const user = usersLogic.values.findById(12)

Props in Selectors

Since selectors need to be recalculated when their inputs change, there's a twist when using props with them.

Take the following buggy code:

const counterLogic = kea([
// ...
selectors(({ props }) => ({
diffFromDefault: [
(selectors) => [selectors.counter],
(counter) => counter - props.defaultCounter, // DO NOT do this!

The code will work, but only partially. The problem is that the value of diffFromDefault will only be updated when counter changes, but not when props.defaultCounter changes.

What if we would also like to update the selector when the props change?

Previously we defined a selector as a function like this:

const selector = (state) =>

That's an incomplete definition. All selectors have a second argument called props.

const selector = (state, props) => + props.defaultCounter

To make your new selector update itself when props change, use an inline selector that picks the right value from props:

const counterLogic = kea([
// ...
diffFromDefault: [
(s) => [s.counter, (_, props) => props.defaultCounter],
(counter, defaultCounter) => counter - defaultCounter,

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